What's it all about?

I'm not what you'd call a "natural runner". I used to run "the mile" at sports day when I was at school, which I thought was near impossible. One year I passed out: my french teacher made me drink sugary tea. Since I left school, I do occasionally run for a train. It usually hurts.

So the joke is, I trained for the Peterborough half marathon in 2011! It's a running joke, because it goes on (and on), and also because it's about running (see what I did there?). The serious part is, I started running because my friend Heather's mum died from lung cancer last year. With your help, I raised over £1200 for Macmillan. I feel very strongly that sponsorship money should be earned. I think I did that. I may raise money again some time, and hope you might help with that too.

But I aim to laugh about it. Read on...

Monday 14 May 2012

Steampunk and handbags

So Monday morning. I was off to work, and took my running things to go out at lunchtime, although not before I'd been online and noticed that Moustachioed Chris went running at 5:50... what a nutter! I managed to get through to lunchtime, but then of course the phone started ringing; and I didn't get off it until 1:20. So I thought instead of going running, I'd nip into Tesco to stock up on biscuits in advance of the Mask Committee meeting which was at my house this evening. I delivered them home, and found rather excitingly that my new wooden iPhone case had arrived. I have been accused of "Steampunk" which can best be described by this photo:

Anyway, here is my beautiful phone:

As "steam technology" as you can get in a Victorian rebellion sort of way for an iPhone. My friend Michael said he couldn't think of a genre that better described me, or words to that effect, so I guess I've been a steampunk for years without even knowing. Which is probably the best sort of Steampunk you can be.

Well, I went back into work, and finished at 6, but didn't have time to go running between then and Summer coming over before the committee meeting, because the house was a tip, and I had to get it looking passable before having a troop of actors in. We'd just settled down with biscuits, when Jan said there was a police car outside. "That's not noteworthy on our street" I told her. "Yes, but he's coming up your path" she told me. "They must be leafleting". For some reason, because everytime someone had knocked on the door, people had shouted "It's open", everyone decided to shout that to the policeman, so he walked in. "I'm looking for a Ms Emma Goldberg" he said. I decided it couldn't be too serious, or he wouldn't be talking in front of all these people, so I admitted it. "I believe you were burgled, was it, three years ago? And a handbag was stolen? We believe we've recovered the handbag." Peterborough's finest, eh? He got a round of applause and looked mighty pleased with himself. He told me it had actually been shoved in a hedge just up the street, which had recently been trimmed. I'm not sure why he looked so happy to have restored my property to me, it really smelled mouldy, and was hardly serviceable. It appears to have had the handle gnawed right off, with mouthfuls taken out here and there. The contents weren't much better, although quite a funny selection of things, I considered tipping out my current handbag just to compare the contents. Fewer worms, I think. I told Neville that 3G card would show up.

I initially thought it was clever of the police to track me down, till I realised my library card was still in my wallet. Detective work at its finest. Actually, the library card was one of the best things in there. The other good thing was my keys. Not in themselves - I changed all the locks; but I was given a keyring of Sidney by a friend when I was in Australia, which was on the keys, and so was a heart shaped keyring given to me on New Year's Eve in Half Moon Bay, California, which was a memento for me. It was an odd feeling, having it back, and yet so useless. My passport wasn't in it any more. 

I had trouble focusing for the rest of the meeting, and when the meeting was over, I set out on the run, deciding first to find my cycle gloves. When I came out, the bully cat was emerging from my garden. Frank had just been looking freaked-out, so I took the opportunity to chase it up the street. Then I started out on my run, and realised that one of my gloves was missing. I had to go back for it, retrieved it, and saw the Interloper Cat again, so I chased it some more. I got into the swing of the run, and had just noticed that one of my laces was undone, when I tripped. I'm not sure if it was on the lace, or on the curb edge, but I was really pleased for those gloves, especially that I'd gone to fetch the dropped one. Also that I was wearing my softer trousers, because I got my left knee as well. Nothing seemed incapable of movement though, so I got myself together and kept going, deciding maybe to be more careful in the night of where my feet were going.

It didn't look too bad, just a graze; but maybe I should stick to daytime runs...

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