What's it all about?

I'm not what you'd call a "natural runner". I used to run "the mile" at sports day when I was at school, which I thought was near impossible. One year I passed out: my french teacher made me drink sugary tea. Since I left school, I do occasionally run for a train. It usually hurts.

So the joke is, I trained for the Peterborough half marathon in 2011! It's a running joke, because it goes on (and on), and also because it's about running (see what I did there?). The serious part is, I started running because my friend Heather's mum died from lung cancer last year. With your help, I raised over £1200 for Macmillan. I feel very strongly that sponsorship money should be earned. I think I did that. I may raise money again some time, and hope you might help with that too.

But I aim to laugh about it. Read on...

Thursday 10 May 2012

Don't call me "baby"

Today, you will be pleased to hear, was a LOT better than yesterday. For one thing, I literally saved two woods, which is always a worthwhile feeling. For another, I basically wasn't miserable for half the day, which I also view as a massive bonus. Unfortunately, on my way in, I found out I'd forgotten my trainers, which scuppered my lunchtime run plan. I figured that if I worked right through lunch, I could leave early, so I sorted that out, accidentally gaining some lunch at 3pm, when I remembered why lunch is good (I was hungry). Lovely Trudie gave me the other half of her carton of Tomato and mascarpone soup, it was right yummy! That tided me over, anyway.

I got a text mid-afternoon from Peter, asking if I wanted to meet up before rehearsal (he suggested dinner at the Brewery Tap) to talk about something that Tom wants us to do for radio Peterborough on Sunday. Oooh. Will I get a run in before that? Hmmm, I could meet him at 6:30... if I left at 5, I'd have time for a run and a shower... Yes, why not do a little more, I'm not busy enough. Great.

Woodlands saved, I printed off the papers I need for my trip tomorrow, and sodded off.

I didn't actually leave till 5:25, so I realised it was going to be a quick shower when I did get back. I ran around the house (first) trying to find my things, grabbed a running top and tracky bottoms, garmin, headphones, iphone, shoes, and headed straight out, remembering to reset my runkeeper from cycle back to running, which I noticed while logging my run yesterday. I thought on the way round that it wouldn't make too much difference because people would be able to tell from my speed that it was hardly cycling...

The running top I picked has a back pocket, which my tracksuit bottoms don't have, so I had to shove my phone in it, but in order to stop it bouncing, I then tuck in. However, for some reason, the front of the top persisted in riding up, even though the back was held down. I gave up tugging it in the end, and first noticed a difference as I got to the end of the road, as a driver braked and I heard something being yelled out of the window. Didn't pay too much mind. It had happened twice more by the time I reached the Golden Cod, and again around the corner. Blow Me! Was my instant reaction; well, delayed reaction. I've never pulled in a nightclub, and all it actually takes is a centimetre of midriff. Why didn't anyone tell me? Maybe it's a Peterborough thing... I should perhaps go clubbing in my running stuff. At about that time the "Don't call me Baby" song came on; it's a shit song, but I've always liked the sentiment, which I thought was vaguely apposite given the leers I was getting.

Anyway, I tried to keep my time under 10 minute miles, partly in order to finish the run in good time, but failed: it ended up being 10:19 average. I did my sprint finish, and checked my garmin for time, and I'd made quite good time, but suddenly noticed that I'd only done 3.07 miles... I pulled my phone out, and it thought I had done 5.11 km, and given that I had less than 15 minutes to shower and meet Peter, I thought I'd go with Runkeeper distance today...

Ironically when I came home from rehearsal, I found a message from lovely Fiona on Facebook, saying would I mind changing Runkeeper back to running, because she thought that either I was cycling very slowly indeed, or I was cheating at the task. (It's not a bad idea, but if I had to cycle that slowly, it would be quite an effort, and not really achieve my main objective of saving time). Anyway, ironically I'd switched it to Mountain Biking instead of running (and earned myself a new recognition from the Runkeeper team...)

However, and this is the way with Social Networking... another friend, Aidan, who generously sponsored me (you should, too) pointed out that I can in fact edit my mode of transport "after the event" so I have changed them all to running. Apart from the flooded ones, I changed them to swimming....

PS, I just checked, and you can actually record swimming. Although not with your iphone, I suspect. Not for very long, anyway.

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