What's it all about?

I'm not what you'd call a "natural runner". I used to run "the mile" at sports day when I was at school, which I thought was near impossible. One year I passed out: my french teacher made me drink sugary tea. Since I left school, I do occasionally run for a train. It usually hurts.

So the joke is, I trained for the Peterborough half marathon in 2011! It's a running joke, because it goes on (and on), and also because it's about running (see what I did there?). The serious part is, I started running because my friend Heather's mum died from lung cancer last year. With your help, I raised over £1200 for Macmillan. I feel very strongly that sponsorship money should be earned. I think I did that. I may raise money again some time, and hope you might help with that too.

But I aim to laugh about it. Read on...

Friday 26 August 2011

Rough with the smooth...

This week started so well... and I had a busy schedule ahead of me. I had the Welsh run "in the bag", and had already made my apologies for Tuesday. Wednesday was an hour's steady run, and , as if she needed an excuse to get into my blog, Sally put under instructions "Just plod along happily but lightly!" She seems to find no irony in issuing two instructions neither of which I stand any likelihood of achieving. On the bright side, I can do plodding along. Thursday was a half hour run to remind my legs they could run two days in a row; and Friday was 45 minutes' swimming. But a facebook query last night from Jeanette prompted the blog updated today... she wanted to know how far I'd run.

I didn't run, however; that's the fact of the matter. I did pilates on Wednesday, which was much more stretchy, and also had the advantage of fitting into a lunch hour. (Having said that, I was ten minutes late for pilates). I promised myself I'd do running straight away after work, but you know what they say about well-laid rodent's plans: they oft gang agley.  I went down to the end of the garden to pick runner beans, and ended up being harrassed by drunken wasps. Note to self: wear shoes; don't wear a skirt. I came back inside, going via Maggie's house, and messaged Ian that he should come round immediately and remove the pears from the garden. Then the phone rang, and it was someone who had a delivery for me, and could they come over in an hour? It seemed like a good opportunity to have dinner, but by the time they got there, I was engrossed in planning a play that I'm hoping to direct soon. I couldn't just stop for a run, it would have impeded my creative flow. But I did decide that I'd go to bed early, and do extra on Thursday. I'd get up early or something. Well, what happened then was, I did get to bed early, but I had a whirlwind brain, and couldn't sleep. To the extent that I got up at quarter to one to send some emails.

Needless to say, getting up early didn't happen. Neither did lunchtime, and in the evening I started listening to my body. I came very close to arranging my run, but the sofa won me over, Frank on knee (he's been doing a lot of that lately) and Good Will Hunting on iplayer. I was feeling a bit not altogether, really. I did succeed in going to bed early, and this time it worked (10:30). I woke up feeling refreshed, but unwell. Also, it was really raining. I had a half-day at worked scheduled, in order to do some housework before leaving for Edinburgh... I thought I might do a half-hour run and then go swimming, at lunchtime, which would make up most of my losses, if I recalibrated Monday's run as Wednesday's run. But then what happened was, (a) I didn't succeed in leaving the office till 3, not having stopped for lunch (by which time my timesheet said I'd worked a full week, so taking a half-day was redundant); it was still raining, and my throat was now growling, and interestingly my left eardrum is now crackling gently like a bowl of rice crispies. Swimming, and running in the rain, are not going to happen. I'm still wondering about going out later, but I can't see it happening. It's also going to be difficult to persuade Sally that I didn't rush back into this too quickly, and prolong my cold. I'm still going with the fact I can harbour a cold for several months, and there's no point in waiting for it go away. I'm also wondering if running in a place I like is going to make me feel better, because I'm heading back to Edinburgh this weekend, with slightly different aims this time... I'm mainly going to hang out with Emma and the Magnets, and my added babysitting aims may help incur some early nights... although that might be wishful thinking on my part. Odds are that I'll definitely be in bed earlier than Jasper, from reports I've heard.

Come on everyone... send me some good health vibes. Altogether now... I'm off to drink some green tea, orange juice and echinacea. Not necessarily all at the same time. I could also try some Scottish medicine... whisky.

Oh, on the bright side, I'm all booked up with Races! It's been a very good week for races, I got my registration for the Great Eastern Run! And also, I've successfully booked two other races in between time, so keep in touch, and to find out whether I actually manage to run them... keep checking in!

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