What's it all about?

I'm not what you'd call a "natural runner". I used to run "the mile" at sports day when I was at school, which I thought was near impossible. One year I passed out: my french teacher made me drink sugary tea. Since I left school, I do occasionally run for a train. It usually hurts.

So the joke is, I trained for the Peterborough half marathon in 2011! It's a running joke, because it goes on (and on), and also because it's about running (see what I did there?). The serious part is, I started running because my friend Heather's mum died from lung cancer last year. With your help, I raised over £1200 for Macmillan. I feel very strongly that sponsorship money should be earned. I think I did that. I may raise money again some time, and hope you might help with that too.

But I aim to laugh about it. Read on...

Sunday 14 August 2011

Pride comes before...

Do you know, I've always oscillated between thinking that saying went "a rise comes before a fall" or "a ride comes before a fall", both of which made some sort of sense. Unlike pride. Never mind. Pride certainly didn't enter into it. In fact, anyone who has just perused the Edinburgh experience will realise exactly what did for me. It was clearly training too hard when I should have been partying. Yes, I took a lovely cold back with me from Edinburgh. I'm not pointing the finger here, but you'll notice I said that Summer had to go and nurse a cold on our last night? Well, actually, I think we probably shared it from the start. When Summer first announced her symptoms, I was already taking First Defense, stuff I swear by. She got the cold, and I held it off, bar the odd sneeze and dizzy feeling, until Wednesday. Clearly, we had Pint and Poetry, and had to march in being the reigning champions of the Festival, so heavy amounts of drugs were needed, especially on Summers' side.  I was just feeling slightly sore-throated, swollen glands and remarkably giddy. Still, it works. I've been telling everyone I've got a Summer's Cold. We made it though. I wrote a poem about flyering on the train home, when I should have been catching up with the blog - what can you do? I'm sorry.

I came back to a mewling cat, who has now taken to sitting on Maggie's doorstep, more or less howling. This is ironic, as Maggie recently had to put down her black and white cat, Rosie, who was somewhere over the age of 19, and mainly mewled in a startlingly similar manner. That manner being "annoying". I suspect part of the torrent of abuse may be the number of fleas he is now harbouring though. He's been de-flea'd, although now he's not tasty, there seem to be critters hopping all over the place, some of which seem to be dying. I had to boil-wash some bed sheets. Ick. Don't think about it. Anyway, on Thursday, he was so distressed and I was so woozy that I decided to deal with my 180 emails and 2 teleconferences from home, and he enjoyed my conversation a lot. I hope no one else heard his, he was quite vocal at some points. A 50 minute cycle ride wasn't on the books. Sal said I should listen to my body, and although it's sometimes hard to differentiate what my body says it's capable of doing from what it wants to do ("Stay on the sofa! Stay on the sofa!") this was a day when the two facets were definitely singing in harmony with each other. The sofa won. Frank helped with that decision. He's not been making typing this up any easier at all...

Friday wasn't a lot better. I made it to the office, and got generally harassed by phone calls and more emails, but managed to sort out some things by the end of the day. I packed my swimming costume, in case the 50 minute swim at lunchtime was a goer, but by lunchtime, I wasn't convinced. I walked into town to get some more First Defense, and realised I'd made the smart move - that distance was making me shaky. I decided that I was just going to have to get over the cold. I felt that I'd amply demonstrated (perhaps a bit too much) that I'm willing to put the effort in, and the cold, while it may be the fruits of that effort, isn't an excuse. Still, early nights, good food, and rest. It'll all be fine. Funny, that's what I've been telling myself at work too...

Next week I'll be back. Fighting fit. Running hard. Getting out from under the cat...

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