What's it all about?

I'm not what you'd call a "natural runner". I used to run "the mile" at sports day when I was at school, which I thought was near impossible. One year I passed out: my french teacher made me drink sugary tea. Since I left school, I do occasionally run for a train. It usually hurts.

So the joke is, I trained for the Peterborough half marathon in 2011! It's a running joke, because it goes on (and on), and also because it's about running (see what I did there?). The serious part is, I started running because my friend Heather's mum died from lung cancer last year. With your help, I raised over £1200 for Macmillan. I feel very strongly that sponsorship money should be earned. I think I did that. I may raise money again some time, and hope you might help with that too.

But I aim to laugh about it. Read on...

Sunday 23 June 2013

It's been a while

Right, well, yes, you're right. **looks at floor**. Should we talk about this? The thing is **looks at ceiling** while we had our break, I've kind of been... how should I say this? I've been seeing another blog. It was all very hush-hush, a members-only thing. It's OVER now, I swear it. Really. Well, no, I haven't exactly told them. No. Like you. Yeah, I just didn't show up and blog one day, that's the first they knew of it. I know, I know, I feel awful. It's just not the sort of thing I usually do, it's so out of character. God, I feel like a cliche. I just hope... I just thought... I thought you might forgive me, and agree to carry on reading again, you know... maybe we can get over this?

I guess, either I'm running and I have no time to blog, or I'm not running and then I - well, I just felt it would be stupid to blog when I wasn't running. I know, I kind of struck a bargain that I would, but it's the premise of the blog, really, isn't it? And then I started directing a play, and I kind of blogged a bit about that on the members-only part of Mask's website. (It was fun! You should become a member!). I mean, writing two blogs just felt - wrong.

I know, I know, I don't deserve a second chance. But I've been doing so much running, and I meant to tell you, and now... oh, it's like I'm a different person, we're going to have to get to know each other all over again. But you know, I know it'll take time to rebuild that trust, but... I've got a good feeling. I'll try really hard not to leave again, not without a word or explanation.

I'll start by telling you about the Venice marathon, it was a while ago now, but it's still fresh... that way it'll almost be like you didn't miss a thing...

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